Variegated Reed Sweet-Grass Glyceria Maxima ‘Variegata’ 3 X 9Cm Pot
Glyceria Maxima Variegata Is A Vigorous, Moisture-Loving, Rhizomatous Perennial Grass. When Young, Its Narrow, Strap-Shaped Leaves Are Often Flushed With Pink, But Are Otherwise Seen In Either Cream Or Green. Its Attractive Purplish-Green Flowering Panicles Bloom In Mid To Late Summer. Glyceria Maxima ‘Variegata’ Associates Particularly Well With Pondside Plants, Such As Hostas, Astilbes, Or Candelabra Primulas.
- Foliage Colour: Cream, Green, Pink
- Flower Colour: Green, Purple
- Current Size: 9Cm
- Approx. Growth Height: 0.5-1M
- Max. Spread: 2.5M
- Planting Time: Spring
- Flowering Time: Summer
- Uses: Aquatic, Bog Garden, Waterside
- Habit: Suckering, Spreading
- Exposure: Exposed, Sheltered
- Hardiness: Hardy
- Rate Of Growth: Average
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